Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Meeting Date Change

Just to let everyone know, our Novebember meeting has been moved up a day to THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH, 1:00 pm in the media center. This is to accomadate 2nd grade parents since their program is scheduled for Friday, the 20th. Thanks, and we hope to see you there!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

October Meeting Minutes

PTA Meeting Minutes Oct. 16, 2009
First, a big thank you to everyone for helping with all the recent events. Everyone is great!
Mrs. Zahm: We were asked to fill out a parent involvement analysis survey for her. Return as soon as possible for a treat! She introduced Renee Richman, Korby Vaughn, and Gwen Jones as her Title One team. They are trying to give kids a boost and then get them back into the classroom.
She also reviewed the Parent Survey results (this was from the beginning of the school year, we will do another one at the end of the school year): Did Chubbuck Elementary provide parents good information for the beginning of the year? 94% said yes. Does your student look forward to going to school? 99% said yes. What source is best for providing you with information? 80% said the teacher, 50% said the Chubbuck Chatter, 15% said the new outdoor sign, 19% said the information their children bring home, 8% said other. Would you be willing to attend a Title One workshop? 79% said yes. The best time for those workshops? 22% said right after school… about 50% said 6-7pm. What types of workshops? 35% reading, 32% math, 23% homework, 9% title one
We need to make sure that parents know to apply to free and reduced lunch if their circumstances change, those number help us keep our Title One status.
Upcoming parent activities: The 2nd grade workshop will be in December, the 3rd and 5th grade workshops will probably be held during the spring Parent Teacher Conferences to help prepare for the ISAT. The Pre-K workshop will be in April, the Kindergarten workshop in May, and the Breakfast Buddies reading will continue.
Fall Book Fair: Our preliminary number is that we sold about $4136.88 We will either give the library a check worth about 25% of our sales, or credit toward a catalog order worth about 50% of our sales. Linda Burrup will look at it Monday. We sold about $350-$400 less than last year, but we still did well.
The treasurer passed around the monthly report.
Yearbook proposal : Emilee Corpus has been working on this. Bell does yearbooks, and is willing to work with us. For a full color 23 page yearbook, at 300 orders, they are $9.86. This would include individual pictures and class pictures. We will put it in the chatter again. We will need a yes or no by the next meeting. The order needs to go in 2 months in advance.
Recycling: We have to have the Capri Sun packages in by Oct. 31. City does not have commercial bins yet. They only have residential ones, and those don’t lock, so it’s not feasible for us to do yet.
Fall Fundraiser: Assembly went well, packets were sent home. Another note was sent home to answer questions. Tuesday is the last day to turn it in. We will count money Tuesday after school, we will need 5 or 6 people to help with that.
Red Ribbon Week: We have an assembly Wednesday with the Army. Costco is donating some candy, the army may donate a pencil. Children can participate in the daily activities to get a prize. Monday is backwards day, Tuesday is a hat day, Wednesday is camoflage, Thursday is red white and blue. Teachers will participate in a door decorating contest, except the Kindergarten, they will do a handprint flag. We will need some helpers each day to help hand out prizes.
Class Parties: These are scheduled for Friday the 30th. Treats are taken care of. We got 10 cent cookies from Smiths, total of $60 for the school. We will also do drinks, should cost around $100 total.
Reflections: Flyers going home today. Entries due the 16th of November.
Kris Mullen/ Regional PTA: School District 25 is taking over the Festival of Trees this year. Regional PTA will run the Gift Shop. Vendors will sell items and share profit with the PTA to help fund the Reflections awards. One of the vendor tables will be a scholastic book sale. Brandi needs volunteers to come in and work that booth, 2 people at a time. We need to staff Tuesday, Dec. 1st, let Kris know if you might be interested in helping. The festival will be at the Stephens Performing Arts Center.
Kris is working on the grant to help fund the “take your family to school” week activities… in lower income areas extended families play an important role in our kids lives… so we are asking for funding for the Idaho Children’s Theater to perform for children and families. The Grant application is due Nov. 6th, we will know after that (maybe by next meeting). Right now the Theater performance is scheduled for Feb. 5th.Other Business: Bell Photographers gave $1646.74 to the library as a result of our fall pictures.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October Meeting Agenda

Items to be reviewed:
Fall Book Fair
Yearbook proposal

Upcoming Events:
Fall Fundraiser
Red Ribbon Week
Class Parties

Mrs. Herdt: PAC