Friday, November 19, 2010

Minutes for Nov. Meeting

Minutes for PTA Meeting, 11-19-10 1:00 pm Chubbuck Media Center
Treasurers Report Passed around… we have paid our dues to State and National PTA and our Insurance, so we are a PTA in good standing. Report showed almost $3000 in t-shirt sales, we also paid our $2000 donation for reading aids.
Spring Fundraiser: Sara Bohney and Bob Scovil of Modern Woodmen of America came to talk about helping with our fundraiser. They are willing to help with donations (like jump ropes for a jump-a-thon or copies), also will match funds up to $2000. We will need to write a check to them for the amount of the match and then we will get double that amount back. We discussed several ideas for a fun run or a jump-a-thon. We will need to get information to the MWA a month or two ahead of our fundraiser. We could also get people from the community to come and jump or run to help.
Red Ribbon Week was great, Start the Arts went well (but volunteers need to tell Kris when they are scheduled with their teachers so there are adequate supplies available).
Reflections: We had 79 entries in 4 categories. Some are already judged, others will be judged by Monday or Tuesday. The winners will get ribbons and $2 bills. Winners will go in the Chubbuck Chatter.
Fall Fundraiser Distribution: This will be Nov. 29th, Monday, starting at 4:00. We will need to organize each student’s order, then start pick-ups around 6:00.
Candy Grams: Will be Mon-Thursday, Dec. 13-16th, sold during lunch (and some available from the teachers to sell in their classrooms) for 50 cents each. We already have some forms and candy canes left over that we can use to get started.
Advocacy Day: PTA set its legislative priorities, including Education funding and support of a texting while driving bill. Legislative Day is set for Feb. 10th in Boise.
Early Morning reading is coming up! We need a volunteer to read for January, March and April.
An idea for a PTA project: Emergency kits for the classrooms that teachers could take with them during evacuations.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Agenda for November Meeting

Chubbuck PTA Meeting Agenda – Nov. 19, 2010

*Treasurer’s Report
*Spring Fundraiser – ideas and matching donation?
*Recap: Red Ribbon Week, Start the Arts, Reflections
*Upcoming Events: Fall Fundraiser product Distribution, Candy Grams
*Advocacy Day, Idaho PTA
*Evaluation Sheets

Friday, October 15, 2010

Chubbuck PTA Meeting Minutes
October 15, 2010 1:00 pm Chubbuck Media Center
*Fall Fundraiser: Our numbers are down over last year, we have so far raised about $3000 (last year was closer to $6500). There was some discussion about the fundraiser, the product selection. We may change next year, we’ll see once the orders are all in and counted from this weekend. In the meantime, we need to look at trimming our budget.

Katy Mottishaw moved that we change the Spring Fundariser budget to $350. Kris Mullen seconded, passed unaminously. Katy Mottishaw also moved (Kris Mulled second) that we charge a $6 returned check fee to cover our cost when checks bounce. Passed unanimously. This means that we will need to make notification on all PTA items that involve money, fundraisers, membership, t-shirts, etc.
Ideas for the Spring Fundraiser? Maybe a jump-rope a thon, a walk-a-thon… also could we find companies to match funds? We will continue to think of ideas.

Red Ribbon Week: Oct. 25-28… Red dog tags are coming that say “Panthers are 2 smart 2 do drugs”… those will be handed out on Monday. A letter to the teachers is going out next week to explain the theme days, and each teacher will be given a bag of red tickets. The students that participate will receive a ticket and then placed in a drawing for prizes at the end of each day. Monday will be Red Day “Panthers are 2 hot 2 do drugs”… Tuesday will be Extreme Pride Day “Take pride in yourself, don’t do drugs”… Wednesday will be silly hat or hair day “Its OK to be one of a kind, don’t do drugs”… Thursday will be lounge wear, “Don’t Sweat it, don’t do drugs”.

Start the Arts will start the week of Nov. 8th, the parent meeting will be the week before that. The younger classes will do a lesson with lines. They will draw pictures with soap. The older classes will do a lesson on contrast, and will draw “blind” (white crayon on white paper) and then paint over it.

Halloween parties: We are still thinking of ideas for treats, these are scheduled for the 28th for kindergarten and the 29th.

Reflections kick-off will be Nov. 1st… Volunteers will go to each class to explain the program… entries will be due back the week of the 15th.

Mr. Keller, Mr. Garcia, and Mr. Muckerman will represent our school at the lottery “Scratch for Schools” at ISU. All the money we scratch from lottery tickets will go to our school!

PAC: Mrs. Noorda
Chubbuck PTA Meeting Agenda
October 15, 2010 Chubbuck Media Center
*Fall Fundraiser Update
*Red Ribbon Week
*Class Halloween Parties
*Start the Arts
*Reflections Kick-off Coming up

Monday, September 20, 2010

PTA Meeting Minutes 9-17-10
1:00 pm Chubbuck Media Center
*Treasurer’s report passed around… so far we are at about $1100 for membership (we had $1258 last year), $947 for snack fee ($1300 last year) and $2377.97 for t-shirts (we had $1070 last year). See attached for report.
*Start the Arts: Arts week starts next week. We had our parents meeting on Thursday. Supplies are in the cabinet under the volunteer sign-ups. For any questions call Kris Mullen.
*Fall Fundraiser: Kick-off is Sept. 27. We are still working on prizes… maybe a donation of ice cream for those who participate, big prizes for the top 3 sellers… maybe class parties, pizza for the top class or a play and trade party? If anyone has ideas for businesses that might be willing to donate, let us know. At the same time, we should be thinking of ideas for the Spring Fundraiser and make sure we don’t double up on donations from a single business. Most at the meeting favored an “a-thon” type of fundraiser for Spring, we will keep discussing.
*We will be doing T-shirt Tuesday for the T-Th kindergarten students since they don’t attend on Fridays.
*Volunteer lists were handed out today, and room mothers have been assigned. Please use the people on your lists to help you.
*Carnival… we are trying to think of some ideas that might save money, maybe a field day or end of the year class parties. Let us know if you have any input on this.
*PTA take over early morning reading club? We are working to find someone to help co-ordinate volunteers and maybe take this over, we will see. We might be able to work with the Portneuf Valley Library on this.
*Picture re-takes will be on a Thursday to help accommodate Kindergarten students.
PAC: Title One
What a parent should know: How do we receive money? It comes from the federal government, then to the states, then to the schools based on income (reduced and free school lunches). We are a school-wide title one school, so all students can benefit. Title One does the following each year:
*Identifiy the students with the greatest need and in what areas based on testing.
*Set goals for improving the child’s skills
*Train the teachers
*Allocate Money
Parents are needed for planning and input. Several parent nights are scheduled this year. We may change the times, right after school or in the mornings?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

PTA Meeting Agenda 9-17-10
1:00 pm Chubbuck Media Center
**Report: Treasurer, Membership, T-shirt sales, class party fund
**Start the Arts
**Fall Fundraiser
**Volunteer List/Committees
PAC: Title One Team

Monday, August 30, 2010

Chubbuck PTA Meeting Minutes for 8-27-2010
Chubbuck Media Center 1:00 pm
**Standing Rules were read and approved unanimously. A copy will be sent to the regional director, copies are available for board members.
**Budget was read through and approved unanimously, copy attached.
** Audit report: Katy has a copy of the audit. All our records match up. We gave Brent Grigg a $50 gift card as a thank-you. Our beginning balance for the year is $4072.98.
Back to School day: Sept. 1 from 11am to 1pm. We will need the following committees there: Fundraiser, t-shirts, Membership, Girls on the Run, Start the arts
T-shirts shipped today, should be here on Monday. We have 144 of various sizes to sell at back to school day. We will charge $7 a shirt, same as last year, to help cover shipping and taxes and copies for order forms. We will take money for the shirts, but not for membership at back to school day.
Girls on the run: Need one more adult volunteer to help. This will be Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:45-4:00 at the school. We have only 15 spots available for girls in 3-5 grades. You need to sign up at the health department and you can download the form from the internet.
Fall Fundraiser: We have budgeted $350 for prizes, publicity, etc. We will need to further discuss the incentives, etc. This is the Idaho Preferred Fundraiser. All items are $10, $4.25 goes to the school, the other goes back to the Idaho farmers and producers of the products.
Chubbuck PTA now has a facebook page! It is under chubbuckelementaryschoolpta on facebook. We will post information there as well as our blog.
Lunch for the teachers is scheduled for March 4th.
Some ideas for increasing membership: A raffle at back to school day? We will definitely set up a table with information about why PTA is important.
Book Fair: We will plan one for Grandparents night (to set up Jan 26th and leave up through the 28th) and have a 2nd book fair during the carnival at the end of school to encourage summer reading. This will be May 26th and 27th.

Friday, August 27, 2010

August Meeting Agenda

Welcome back! It's hard to believe that it's already time for school to start again! We will meet Friday, Aug. 27 at 1:00 pm in the Media Center to begin planning for next year.
Here is the agenda:
Approve Standing Rules and Budget
Back to school Day
School Facebook page
Back to School packets

Hope to see you there!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Meeting Minutes for April

This is an abbreviated version of the minutes... for the full document e-mail

Laurie Zahm and Korby Vaughn came to update us on our Title One programs for the year. Our funding is down 13% for next year, but with Stimulus money we have 5 title one employees for one more year. We will also use stimulus money to purchase new computers for classrooms and a smartboard for 4th grade.

Field trip update: We will be allowed to fund a field trip for Kindergarten and 2nd grade since they haven't had one yet this year. We voted to pay for those trips as long as we can afford them, we are still waiting on the final cost for those.

Carnival: We plan to have cotton candy, popcorn, dad's baseball game, popsicles, possibly Reel theatre tickets. We have put an announcement in the Chubbuck Chatter for donations of candy, prizes, drinks, etc.

5th Grade Graduation: We will make a 6th grade survival kit for all students. They will also have pizza in the park and the lip sync.

T-shirts: We have found a new vendor that we are excited about! We are hoping to have mock-ups of two designs and let the students vote which one they like the best. The shirts will be about $6.50 each. We plan to order an initial 144 to sell at back to school day and then make additional orders as needed. Mary Kae Ryner will be in charge of this.

No meeting next month.

We discussed the Idaho Preferred Fundraiser. This is about a dozen local products sold for $10 each. We would get $4.25 from each product. We would need to sell about 1300 items to earn about what we did last year. We would need to separate products when they arrive, do an assembly, and provide prizes. It would be more work for us but would be great to support Idaho products. We will keep discussing.
For next year the school needs new playground equipment, increased teacher scholarships, and possibly more money for reading aides.

Jill Serpa and Shannon Allred, district reading specialists, talked to us about summer reading and writing. E-mail me if you'd like the list.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Agenda for the April Meeting

Here are the items we will be discussing at our meeting on Friday:

*Minutes from the last meeting
*Treasurer's report
*Field Trip Update
*5th grade graduation
*Setting goals for next year... fundraising, etc.

PAC: Laurie Zahm and the District Reading Specialists

We really need as many people as possible to be at this meeting! We will be talking about our fundraisers for the fall and how we hope to spend our money next year. We will also need to fill some available board positions. Please make every effort to attend! If you can't make it but have an opinion about any of these things, please comment or e-mail one of us.
Thanks so much!

Monday, March 22, 2010

March Meeting Minutes

This is an abbreviated version of the minutes... for a full version e-mail

It was moved and seconded that we add field trips to our budget for next year. Since the state will not be funding these next year we can either find sponsors or provide funding for these.

We have also set aside $2000 for reading aide hours for next year.

DARE Graduation was great, thanks to Jodi Corrington. Box tops were sent off in February, we should have $700 or so coming in April for playground equipment.

We have purchased a projector, projector screen, notebook computer, and audio equipment for the gym with our fundraiser money... it came to about $3700. The sound system will be installed over spring break.

PTA State convention is coming up in Boise April 15-17, please let us know if you are interested in going.

Start the Arts is coming up the first week of April. Sign ups are in the teachers lounge, and the info. should be coming out soon. Parent meeting will be March 31st at 8:15am.

Watch for yearbook signups

Kindergarten Registration is April 8th... the district should make a decision about all-day kindergarten on March 30th

The District Math Specialists were here for PAC... see for help with homework! The reading specialists will be here next month.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

March Meeting Agenda

**Treasurer's Report
** Recent Events -- Book Fair, DARE Graduation
** Fundraiser Update: What are we buying for our school?
**Upcoming Events: Start the Arts week, Yearbook Sign-ups
PTA State Convention is coming up in April

PAC: District Math Specialists on the new math program

Friday, February 19, 2010

February Meeting Minutes

Spring Fundraiser: We graded spelling tests this morning, and handed out smencils to those who brought back their envelopes. The kids can continue to collect money until the 25th. We collected $284 today. The kids have enjoyed looking at the prizes in the display case.

Treasurers report: email for a copy

We know our Region 5 Reflections winners. 5 are from our school. They are in Literature McKailee Beasley and Lyssa Schei, in Photography Lyssa Schei, and in Visual Arts Carlie Barnes and Kenzie Evans.

Our Art week will move to the second week of April. The kids will learn about texture, and the older kids will also learn about abstract art. The parent meeting will be the Wednesday morning before the week is scheduled to start. The teachers will sign up for time in the teacher's lounge to better help us keep track of materials. We may add an extra Friday to accommodate demand.

Feb. 26th will be a teacher luncheon. We will have this catered by Costa Vida.

March 16th will be DARE Graduation

Spring Book Fair is March 10th and 11th. We will need to set up in the gym Wednesday afternoon, and it will run through Thursday. There are no conferences on Friday.

We will be ordering yearbooks sometime in March. We know there was a little confusion with class pictures... they will not be included in the yearbook, so parents can contact the office if they want to order those. We will need to order 300 yearbooks in order to get the best price. These will be delivered in May.

We still don't know about the Kindergarten Schedule for next year, we hope to know by the time Kg. registration happens in April.

PAC: We were introduced to the learning points program. Look for more information coming up... we will introduce this to the teachers at a faculty meeting March 3rd, to see what the teachers think.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

February Meeting Agenda

Agenda for Feb. 19, 2010
Update on Spring Fundraiser
Art Week Preview
Spring Book Fair Preview
Kate from the Learning Points Program here for PAC

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Minutes, Jan. 22 Meeting

The treasurer's report was passed around. We paid our taxes, our Cherrydale fundraising bill, and for the Idaho Youth Theater ($700)... see Lesli Schei or Katy Mottishaw for a copy of the report. The theater program is scheduled for Feb. 5th at 8:30 or 9:45 am.

Grandparent's night was a big success. Teachers reported that most of their students were there. The treats also worked out well.

Valentine's Day Parties: These are shorter, and will take place on Feb. 12th because there is school that day. They are a half hour. We are looking at pre-iced cookies or maybe getting ice cream donated by Darwin Morrison. Katy will check.

Spring Fundraiser: We will need more money for this than the budgeted $600. It was moved by Kris Mullen, 2nd by Brandi Barnes that we increase the fundraiser budget by $200 and take the extra from leftover reflections and class party funds. This was approved unanimously. We may still need more money for a top class prize, but right now it will be about $600 for the prizes and $200 to print the envelopes.

Plans for the Spring Fundraiser: We will hand out the folders on February 9th, and give kids until the 19th to collect pledges. They will take the test on the 19th, and we will need volunteers that day to help grade the tests. The kids will then have until the 26th to collect money. We will count the money that day and the 27th and plan to hand out prizes on March 1st. We will use the trophy case again to display the prizes. The big prizes are a razor electric scooter and a mountain bike, and those are being donated.

Carnival: We will leave the budget as is, we really can't turn this into a field day because PTA insurance does not cover sporting events. We will discuss this event more later in the year.

Change to our standing rules: Our rules do not specify a term for our officers, and we have traditionally had one year terms. But since the regional, state, and national PTA offices are all 2 years, we discussed changing to the same, 2 year terms. It was moved by Brandi Barnes and 2nd by Katy Mottishaw that the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer should become 2 year terms, and that the president-elect should be one year, elected in the middle of the current president's term. This was approved unanimously.
Brandi Barnes also moved, Katie Campbell 2nd, that we should add the Carnival Chairperson to the standing rules, so this event can be covered by PTA insurance. It was approved unanimously. For a copy of the new standing rules, e-mail

We are finished with Capri Sun recycling, and will encourage use of the big recycling bin our front.

PAC: ML Rutherford, District 25 Behavior Support Specialist

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January Agenda

One addition... there is a proposal to make a change to the standing rules regarding the offices of president and vice president. The proposal is to make these 2 year offices similar to the secretary and treasurer positions. We will discuss this at our meeting.

January Agenda

PTA Agenda, January 22, 2010

Review: Grandparents Night
Looking ahead: Valentine's Day parties
Spring Fundraiser (budget change? Increase the budget and take from the carnival budget?)
Carnival Plans

PAC: ML Rutherford, district behavior specialist