Monday, August 30, 2010

Chubbuck PTA Meeting Minutes for 8-27-2010
Chubbuck Media Center 1:00 pm
**Standing Rules were read and approved unanimously. A copy will be sent to the regional director, copies are available for board members.
**Budget was read through and approved unanimously, copy attached.
** Audit report: Katy has a copy of the audit. All our records match up. We gave Brent Grigg a $50 gift card as a thank-you. Our beginning balance for the year is $4072.98.
Back to School day: Sept. 1 from 11am to 1pm. We will need the following committees there: Fundraiser, t-shirts, Membership, Girls on the Run, Start the arts
T-shirts shipped today, should be here on Monday. We have 144 of various sizes to sell at back to school day. We will charge $7 a shirt, same as last year, to help cover shipping and taxes and copies for order forms. We will take money for the shirts, but not for membership at back to school day.
Girls on the run: Need one more adult volunteer to help. This will be Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:45-4:00 at the school. We have only 15 spots available for girls in 3-5 grades. You need to sign up at the health department and you can download the form from the internet.
Fall Fundraiser: We have budgeted $350 for prizes, publicity, etc. We will need to further discuss the incentives, etc. This is the Idaho Preferred Fundraiser. All items are $10, $4.25 goes to the school, the other goes back to the Idaho farmers and producers of the products.
Chubbuck PTA now has a facebook page! It is under chubbuckelementaryschoolpta on facebook. We will post information there as well as our blog.
Lunch for the teachers is scheduled for March 4th.
Some ideas for increasing membership: A raffle at back to school day? We will definitely set up a table with information about why PTA is important.
Book Fair: We will plan one for Grandparents night (to set up Jan 26th and leave up through the 28th) and have a 2nd book fair during the carnival at the end of school to encourage summer reading. This will be May 26th and 27th.

Friday, August 27, 2010

August Meeting Agenda

Welcome back! It's hard to believe that it's already time for school to start again! We will meet Friday, Aug. 27 at 1:00 pm in the Media Center to begin planning for next year.
Here is the agenda:
Approve Standing Rules and Budget
Back to school Day
School Facebook page
Back to School packets

Hope to see you there!