Friday, October 15, 2010

Chubbuck PTA Meeting Minutes
October 15, 2010 1:00 pm Chubbuck Media Center
*Fall Fundraiser: Our numbers are down over last year, we have so far raised about $3000 (last year was closer to $6500). There was some discussion about the fundraiser, the product selection. We may change next year, we’ll see once the orders are all in and counted from this weekend. In the meantime, we need to look at trimming our budget.

Katy Mottishaw moved that we change the Spring Fundariser budget to $350. Kris Mullen seconded, passed unaminously. Katy Mottishaw also moved (Kris Mulled second) that we charge a $6 returned check fee to cover our cost when checks bounce. Passed unanimously. This means that we will need to make notification on all PTA items that involve money, fundraisers, membership, t-shirts, etc.
Ideas for the Spring Fundraiser? Maybe a jump-rope a thon, a walk-a-thon… also could we find companies to match funds? We will continue to think of ideas.

Red Ribbon Week: Oct. 25-28… Red dog tags are coming that say “Panthers are 2 smart 2 do drugs”… those will be handed out on Monday. A letter to the teachers is going out next week to explain the theme days, and each teacher will be given a bag of red tickets. The students that participate will receive a ticket and then placed in a drawing for prizes at the end of each day. Monday will be Red Day “Panthers are 2 hot 2 do drugs”… Tuesday will be Extreme Pride Day “Take pride in yourself, don’t do drugs”… Wednesday will be silly hat or hair day “Its OK to be one of a kind, don’t do drugs”… Thursday will be lounge wear, “Don’t Sweat it, don’t do drugs”.

Start the Arts will start the week of Nov. 8th, the parent meeting will be the week before that. The younger classes will do a lesson with lines. They will draw pictures with soap. The older classes will do a lesson on contrast, and will draw “blind” (white crayon on white paper) and then paint over it.

Halloween parties: We are still thinking of ideas for treats, these are scheduled for the 28th for kindergarten and the 29th.

Reflections kick-off will be Nov. 1st… Volunteers will go to each class to explain the program… entries will be due back the week of the 15th.

Mr. Keller, Mr. Garcia, and Mr. Muckerman will represent our school at the lottery “Scratch for Schools” at ISU. All the money we scratch from lottery tickets will go to our school!

PAC: Mrs. Noorda
Chubbuck PTA Meeting Agenda
October 15, 2010 Chubbuck Media Center
*Fall Fundraiser Update
*Red Ribbon Week
*Class Halloween Parties
*Start the Arts
*Reflections Kick-off Coming up