Friday, November 19, 2010

Minutes for Nov. Meeting

Minutes for PTA Meeting, 11-19-10 1:00 pm Chubbuck Media Center
Treasurers Report Passed around… we have paid our dues to State and National PTA and our Insurance, so we are a PTA in good standing. Report showed almost $3000 in t-shirt sales, we also paid our $2000 donation for reading aids.
Spring Fundraiser: Sara Bohney and Bob Scovil of Modern Woodmen of America came to talk about helping with our fundraiser. They are willing to help with donations (like jump ropes for a jump-a-thon or copies), also will match funds up to $2000. We will need to write a check to them for the amount of the match and then we will get double that amount back. We discussed several ideas for a fun run or a jump-a-thon. We will need to get information to the MWA a month or two ahead of our fundraiser. We could also get people from the community to come and jump or run to help.
Red Ribbon Week was great, Start the Arts went well (but volunteers need to tell Kris when they are scheduled with their teachers so there are adequate supplies available).
Reflections: We had 79 entries in 4 categories. Some are already judged, others will be judged by Monday or Tuesday. The winners will get ribbons and $2 bills. Winners will go in the Chubbuck Chatter.
Fall Fundraiser Distribution: This will be Nov. 29th, Monday, starting at 4:00. We will need to organize each student’s order, then start pick-ups around 6:00.
Candy Grams: Will be Mon-Thursday, Dec. 13-16th, sold during lunch (and some available from the teachers to sell in their classrooms) for 50 cents each. We already have some forms and candy canes left over that we can use to get started.
Advocacy Day: PTA set its legislative priorities, including Education funding and support of a texting while driving bill. Legislative Day is set for Feb. 10th in Boise.
Early Morning reading is coming up! We need a volunteer to read for January, March and April.
An idea for a PTA project: Emergency kits for the classrooms that teachers could take with them during evacuations.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Agenda for November Meeting

Chubbuck PTA Meeting Agenda – Nov. 19, 2010

*Treasurer’s Report
*Spring Fundraiser – ideas and matching donation?
*Recap: Red Ribbon Week, Start the Arts, Reflections
*Upcoming Events: Fall Fundraiser product Distribution, Candy Grams
*Advocacy Day, Idaho PTA
*Evaluation Sheets