Saturday, January 22, 2011

Meeting Minutes for January

PTA Meeting Minutes, Jan. 21, 2011
1:00 pm Chubbuck Media Center
**Art Week: The 4th and 5th grade art projects will be displayed at Grandparent’s night, as will the reflections projects. We will use ½ the gym for an “art walk”, the other half will be used by the kindergartners. The younger grades will display their art work in their rooms.
**Book Fair: Cori and Allison are setting up today. The library will actually get more money because we are combining this with Grandparent’s Night. The hours will be 2-4 pm on Wednesday, 2-7 pm on Th
**Valentine’s Day Parties: KG party is Friday the 11th, others are on Valentines Day, Monday. They are scheduled for 1:00 pm for a half hour. PTA will provide pink cookies from Smith’s and a drink.
**Box Tops: We just got a check for around $970, and that was just for those collected through November. We will send in another batch in the next couple of months. Josi will type something for the March chatter to help parents take advantage of the website and other promotions
**SD 25 Levy: To see the information handed out at the meeting, see attached or go to and click on the orange button on the left hand side that says “Supplemental Levy Election”. Kris Mullen moved and Allison Boyer seconded that we agree to officially support the levy as a PTA. Motion unanimously passed.
**Legislative Day: Feb. 10th in Boise. This is our chance to meet with our local legislators and voice our opinions. See Lesli or Brandi Barnes for more info.
**Treasurer’s Report: See attached…this was passed around. Our taxes have been paid. Candy Gram expenses were posted to “service Projects”… we were able to raise about $1500 and help 10 families with the candy gram money!
**Spring Fundraiser: Cindy and Emy are working on picking a date, possibly in April, so the jump-a-thon can be outside. We talked about maybe having local celebrities find sponsors and jump with us.
**Other Fundraisers: Do we want to help with the Curtis Family Fundraiser? Tenley Curtis is a first grader with a life-threatening brain tumor. A fundraiser is scheduled for sometime in February at Gold’s Gym. Maybe we can send information home with the kids about this to help publicize it… Jessie will find more information.
Jann answered a question about the class size numbers put out by the State Superintendant’s office this week… those numbers include staff like counselors, PE and music teachers, so the numbers seem low, but we can go up to 30 in the upper grades and 25 in the lower grades, we are almost there with our classes now. Classroom size is also a concern for us, we don’t have room for many more desks in many classrooms.
**PAC: Patti Mortensen from the district and Jackie Cranor from the School Board came to talk to us about the levy. Jann also mentioned that our monkey bars did not pass inspection and we will need to purchase new ones as soon as possible.