Friday, December 4, 2009
December Meeting Cancelled
Thank you!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Minutes, Nov. 19 meeting
Other expenses: We paid membership dues for 163 members, insurance and taxes this past month. Treasurers report passed around.
Red Ribbon week went well, we had lots of participation. The activities and assemblies were really great, we appreciated the military and police participation. Big thanks to Katie and Melodie. One suggestion for next year, the teachers needed another week to work on the door contest, they felt a little rushed.
Reflections: The entries were collected Friday and Monday. They will be judged soon and turned over to the district by the 10th. Dec. 17-18 is the 3rd grade program, we can give out the awards and participation prizes then.
Dec. 10, 7:00: There will be a meeting at the district offices for parents about advocacy and leadership.
Kindergarten Questions: Will we go to all day kindergarten next year? The district is considering it because the state reimburses bussing, but not kindergarten mid-day bussing. Some school are already doing this with extra title one help for struggling students. We may not be given a choice, but Jann will keep us posted on the results from the district committee.
Festival of Trees: We need volunteers (3) from 6-9 pm on Dec. 5th. Kris Mullen will be calling to confirm other dates and times if you signed up last meeting.
Grant Update: Kris sent off the grant, we will find out the results in a couple of weeks. This was a request for money for art supplies.
Class parties for December: We will look into getting cookies for the kids to decorate. Smith's might be able to get us a good price on the cookie decorating kits. Halloween treat cost $146, we have $1300 left for parties.
Candy grams: Dec. 14-18, we will need volunteers to help at lunch and before school.
Can we have recycling bins for each classroom so teachers don't have to make so many trips to the outside bin? PTA would pay for a bin for each class. Dana Georgeson moved that we buy the bins, Kristie Furhiman seconded. vote yes
We also passed around yearbook samples. Ours will be $9.75 each if we order 300, they will be full color.
Next meeting Dec. 11 1:00 media center.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Fall Fundraiser Review -- Dana Georgeson
Red Ribbon Week Review -- Katie Marshall and Melodie Conley
Reflections -- Heidi Dickhaut and Katie Campbell
Regional PTA -- Festival of Trees
Grant update -- Kris Mullen
Looking ahead -- class parties for Christmas
PAC: M.L. Rutherford, district Behavioral Specialist... consequences and supportive control for children
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Meeting Date Change
Saturday, October 17, 2009
October Meeting Minutes
First, a big thank you to everyone for helping with all the recent events. Everyone is great!
Mrs. Zahm: We were asked to fill out a parent involvement analysis survey for her. Return as soon as possible for a treat! She introduced Renee Richman, Korby Vaughn, and Gwen Jones as her Title One team. They are trying to give kids a boost and then get them back into the classroom.
She also reviewed the Parent Survey results (this was from the beginning of the school year, we will do another one at the end of the school year): Did Chubbuck Elementary provide parents good information for the beginning of the year? 94% said yes. Does your student look forward to going to school? 99% said yes. What source is best for providing you with information? 80% said the teacher, 50% said the Chubbuck Chatter, 15% said the new outdoor sign, 19% said the information their children bring home, 8% said other. Would you be willing to attend a Title One workshop? 79% said yes. The best time for those workshops? 22% said right after school… about 50% said 6-7pm. What types of workshops? 35% reading, 32% math, 23% homework, 9% title one
We need to make sure that parents know to apply to free and reduced lunch if their circumstances change, those number help us keep our Title One status.
Upcoming parent activities: The 2nd grade workshop will be in December, the 3rd and 5th grade workshops will probably be held during the spring Parent Teacher Conferences to help prepare for the ISAT. The Pre-K workshop will be in April, the Kindergarten workshop in May, and the Breakfast Buddies reading will continue.
Fall Book Fair: Our preliminary number is that we sold about $4136.88 We will either give the library a check worth about 25% of our sales, or credit toward a catalog order worth about 50% of our sales. Linda Burrup will look at it Monday. We sold about $350-$400 less than last year, but we still did well.
The treasurer passed around the monthly report.
Yearbook proposal : Emilee Corpus has been working on this. Bell does yearbooks, and is willing to work with us. For a full color 23 page yearbook, at 300 orders, they are $9.86. This would include individual pictures and class pictures. We will put it in the chatter again. We will need a yes or no by the next meeting. The order needs to go in 2 months in advance.
Recycling: We have to have the Capri Sun packages in by Oct. 31. City does not have commercial bins yet. They only have residential ones, and those don’t lock, so it’s not feasible for us to do yet.
Fall Fundraiser: Assembly went well, packets were sent home. Another note was sent home to answer questions. Tuesday is the last day to turn it in. We will count money Tuesday after school, we will need 5 or 6 people to help with that.
Red Ribbon Week: We have an assembly Wednesday with the Army. Costco is donating some candy, the army may donate a pencil. Children can participate in the daily activities to get a prize. Monday is backwards day, Tuesday is a hat day, Wednesday is camoflage, Thursday is red white and blue. Teachers will participate in a door decorating contest, except the Kindergarten, they will do a handprint flag. We will need some helpers each day to help hand out prizes.
Class Parties: These are scheduled for Friday the 30th. Treats are taken care of. We got 10 cent cookies from Smiths, total of $60 for the school. We will also do drinks, should cost around $100 total.
Reflections: Flyers going home today. Entries due the 16th of November.
Kris Mullen/ Regional PTA: School District 25 is taking over the Festival of Trees this year. Regional PTA will run the Gift Shop. Vendors will sell items and share profit with the PTA to help fund the Reflections awards. One of the vendor tables will be a scholastic book sale. Brandi needs volunteers to come in and work that booth, 2 people at a time. We need to staff Tuesday, Dec. 1st, let Kris know if you might be interested in helping. The festival will be at the Stephens Performing Arts Center.
Kris is working on the grant to help fund the “take your family to school” week activities… in lower income areas extended families play an important role in our kids lives… so we are asking for funding for the Idaho Children’s Theater to perform for children and families. The Grant application is due Nov. 6th, we will know after that (maybe by next meeting). Right now the Theater performance is scheduled for Feb. 5th.Other Business: Bell Photographers gave $1646.74 to the library as a result of our fall pictures.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
October Meeting Agenda
Fall Book Fair
Yearbook proposal
Upcoming Events:
Fall Fundraiser
Red Ribbon Week
Class Parties
Mrs. Herdt: PAC
Monday, September 21, 2009
We're off to a great start!
PTA hosted a Back to School day on August 21st. We had a great turnout and hope you and your child benefited from this opportunity to meet teachers, drop off school supplies and pick up pertinent information pertaining to the new school year. All of the hard work you parents put into PTA translated into some wonderful contributions we were able to make to the school right off the bat. We donated $2000.00 to the schools reading aid program. This $2,000.00 makes it possible for our 2nd graders to have reading aids. Mrs. Herdt has communicated what a difference this makes for each 2nd grader and their reading skills. We also were able to provide each teacher with a $50.00 teacher grant they can put towards their class instruction needs. We are so proud of these contributions and look forward to working hard this year so these contributions can continue on in the future.
September has brought a wonderful new program we are so excited to bring into the school - Start the Arts. Start the Arts is a national PTA program we are implementing at our local school level. It provides a great opportunity to bring art back into our schools. A big thank you goes to Kris Mullen and Denise Bell who are working hard to make this a very enjoyable and informative experience with the arts for your child. Once a semester Kris and Denise will be giving each class the opportunity to learn about the arts and apply this knowledge to an art project. We have already had positive feedback from parents and teachers on this great program and once again thank Kris Mullen and Denise Bell for their time and creativity they are donating to this great program. We would also like to give a big thank you to you parents that are volunteering and helping with these programs. All that Chubbuck PTA does would not be possible without you great parents and all that you put into this organization.
October will be a busy month for the PTA and we are looking forward to all that it holds. If you are interested in volunteering to help with any of the following upcoming events, please email us at and we will get you signed up to help:
October 5th Fall Fundraiser Kick off
October 7-8 Fall Book Fair 8:30am - 8pm each day
(Sneak Preview of books provided on Monday
October 5th from 2:30-3:30pm)
October 26-30 Red Ribbon Week
October 30 Class Halloween Parties
We hope to see you at these great events. Please look for our PTA meeting notes on the blog posted by our secretary Leslie Schei and feel free to blog about any and all subjects pertaining to our students. Any concerns, ideas, or questions will be addressed at our next PTA meeting that is held the 3rd Friday of each month at 1:00pm in the library. Thank you!
Your Chubbuck PTA Officers
All You Ever Want to Know about Box Tops and Soup Labels
Multiple drawings will be held once a month for those kids that bring box tops.
Our school gets .10 cents for each box top submitted.
Pay attention to those expiration dates!!!
Box tops submitted on the alphabet sheets are great and make for easy submitting, but we'll take them any way you want to give them.
You can also earn money for the school by doing your online shopping through the Box Tops Marketplace website. A percentage of each sale goes to our school. Just go to You will be surprised to find how many of the retailers you do your online shopping with are on this marketplace.
Our school accumulates points for each soup label submitted. These points are used towards purchasing playground equipment for Chubbuck Elementary.
Do your best to make sure you tear off the bar code with each soup label. They are good at working with us if we only have partial bar codes.
Thank you for all of your collecting and contributing of box tops and soup labels. Every little bit adds up and really does help!
September Meeting Minutes
Lesli Schei
Chubbuck PTA Meeting – September 18, 2009
Budget and Audit report
Brent Grigg did our audit, and everything was found to be correct. Treasurers report… $2000 went to reading aide hours, and $50 to each teacher for a teacher’s grant ($1400 total). Fiscal year ends June 30, the new board received the books on July 1st. Treasurer’s report passed around, see attached.
Membership Report
We are currently at 157 members… 81 individuals and 76 family memberships. That is down about 50 from last year, but we also lost the 6th graders this year.
Start the Arts
Teachers are very appreciative of our lessons. We have only 2 sets of pictures, so we have been scheduling volunteers so the supplies can go around. Response from the volunteers was really great. There are still a few parents interested in helping, and we will involve them next time.
Girls on the Run
3-5th grade girls are running after school. We were only supposed to be able to take 15, but we had an overwhelming response. We have 23 girls that meet on Monday and Wednesdays right after school. There is a brief lesson on health, avoiding drugs and alcohol, things like that. The girls will run a 5k at the end of October.
Upcoming Events
Fall Fundraiser: Cherrydale again, it has a little bit bigger selection and the quality is a little better. The company is easy to work with. Kickoff is Oct. 5th with 2 assemblies; our rep will do them both. We may need some volunteer help later on.
Book Fair Oct. 8-9 Set up in the library during Parent Teacher Conferences. There will also be a “sneak peek”… kids can’t buy anything, but can get an idea of what will be available. That will be Monday, Oct. 5 from 2:30-3:30.
Red Ribbon Week… We are looking to have a military group will come in a do a drug boot camp, and we will have more a military theme this year. Still working on some details, but the planning is starting.
Halloween Parties: We are providing treats, we managed to collect most of our snack fees, including $175 after reminders were sent out. 10 cent cookie sale at Smith’s is going on right now, we could order in advance at that price.
Grants: Idaho Juvenile Justice division has a grant available, and red ribbon week might qualify for matching funds for next year. Kris Mullen could help write a grant for that. Kris is also working on a grant for bring your family to school week in February. We might move grandparents night to that week, or come up with a new program. Because we are a title one school we might be able to qualify for a grant.
Idaho Children’s Theatre is scheduled Feb. 5th 8:30 and 9:45, maybe we could schedule an extra show for parents to come to that? Maybe we could work with Title One that week? We may need a volunteer to head up the program for that week.
Reflections: Probably want to do a kick-off in Mid-October, entries are due before Thanksgiving.
Brandi Barnes, Regional PTA Rep. : District 25 is now in charge of the Festival of Trees, and the regional PTA will be in charge of the gift shop. We will need people on the committee, and also to make crafts to donate and sell. They also need volunteers for the big festival of trees committee, and our school will do a tabletop tree. The money would go specifically to reflections and then grants to go to convention or advocacy conference or legislative day.
Yearbook? Adrianne Vaughn is willing to take on the project. Some ideas: Do for 5th graders only for graduation, or do the entire school. Cost is $11 for a 300 order, we wouldn’t make money on it. WE could check if Bell Photography does a yearbook and it might be easier. Maybe give people the option to buy the class picture or a yearbook. Some discussion: some people might not be able to afford it, so if we could get the price down it might be better. Bell is easy to work with and efficient, so they might be able to help us. Most parents thought it was a good idea. We will continue to collect input.
Oct. 31 is our deadline for Capri Sun packages, we get 2 cents per packet. Heidi Dickhaut is working on that. Our oldest big toy is broken, and it is difficult to fix, we might be able to find some money to replace it with soup labels. Box tops deadline is Oct. 15th
Mrs. Herdt PAC
PLC – Professional Learning Communities. These are designed to address: what do we want students to learn, how do we know if they mastered that concept, what to do to help those who haven’t mastered it, and how do we help students that have mastered it. Its collaboration, teachers working together to answer those questions. We are tyring to design programs to meet specific needs. The teachers also spend time on assessments regarding specific standards. Also staff development to make our teachers better.
Recycling: Looking into getting a bin here. Jessie will call city, Mrs. Herdt will call district.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Where Do Your PTA Fees Go?
There were some questions about the dues at our recent meeting... this is some basic information from the Idaho PTA website that shows specifically where our dues money is going.
PTA DUES $8.00
National -- $1.75
Our Children Magazine
Leadership Books
Back to School Kits
Spanish Resources
Programs, Legislative
Guidelines and Support
Online Membership Dues Reporting
Cultural Arts Program
Members Only Website
E-Learning Opportunities
National Convention
Retail Discounts to Members
Idaho State dues -- $5.25
Idaho’s Voice Newsletter
State Convention
(Leadership Training, Exhibits,
and Workshops)
Legislative Program
Support and Networking (one part-time employee and rent on that office space)
Idaho Resource Manual
Field Services
Reflections & Cultural Arts
Parent Involvement Programs
State Committee Opportunities
also Regional training
Local unit -- $1.00
This covers the expense of our back to school envelopes.
If you'd like more detailed information visit
Thanks! - August 19, 2009 1:51 PM
Friday, August 14, 2009
PTA's Role in Lobbying and Legislative Affairs
Kris Mullen sent this in to answer some of the questions we had about PTA's role in lobbying and legislative affairs. Thanks Kris:
PTA Legislative Reps
Why should my school's PTA have a legislative representative?
Parents are interested in and committed to the success of their children at school. For many, this interest motivates them to participate at their child's school through fundraisers, class volunteer hours, PTA, or school parties. Often, however, a gap exists between such local impact and the far-reaching effects of the decisions made in Boise and D.C. Local PTAs benefit from someone willing to bridge that gap by updating local members on important legislation before it becomes law.
With more than 9000 members, Idaho PTA is the largest parent organization in the state. An organization dedicated to the welfare of children and youth must inevitably concern itself with the laws that affect children or those that may be needed to protect them. --Idaho PTA
What is the role of a legislative representative?
This position can be as simple as providing periodic updates to the local members about important legislation and PTA position statements. Watch our regional blog for updates! The role is expandable to include e-mail blasts encouraging members to contact their legislative representatives, attendance at Leg Day and Advocacy Conference, even writing position statements for Idaho PTA. It's important to simply BE INVOLVED and encourage your membership to voice their opinions.
Last session, legislators considered bills to eliminate public Kindergarten, permanently cease transportation funding for field trips, and decrease the penalties for businesses that serve alcohol to minors. Superintendant Tom Luna's committee is debating such reforms as curtailing public education at the 10th or 11th grade. And with current financial limitations but despite Federal stimulus funds , our state's education budget was cut. Our children bear the impacts of such decisions if we do not voice our opinions.
How can we make a difference?
Idaho PTA representatives sit on several key education committees and lobby Idaho's legislature. As an organization, Idaho PTA publishes Position Statements and Resolutions to convey our perspectives on current issues. These documents are produced throughout the fall and voted on and finalized at Advocacy Conference in Boise in November. Any member can propose a PS or R but you must attend the conference to vote. The consensus issues that come out of Advocacy Conference dictate PTA's legislative priorities and impact lobbying efforts throughout the legislative session. Another important opportunity occurs in February, when PTA sponsors Leg Day, a PTA conference in Boise where attendees meet with the legislature and representatives from Superintendant Tom Luna's office. Local PTA legislative representatives are not required to attend these conferences but should ensure that these opportunities are communicated to the local membership and advocate that their unit an attendee.
Part of the National PTA’s threefold mission is to speak on behalf of all children and youth before governmental bodies and other organizations. These advocacy and lobbying measures include mobilizing individuals, local and state units to work with the National PTA in molding specific government programs, policies, and priorities. --National PTA Website
Let your influence extend beyond your school's boundaries. Our students will all benefit! Begin by logging on to the Legislative tab on Idaho PTA's website: - August 14, 2009 3:35 PM
Saturday, August 8, 2009
August Meeting Minutes
Hey everyone, we just had our first meeting for August and I thought I'd post an abbreviated version of the minutes. If you'd like the full version please e-mail me and I will send them to you!
We approved our standing rules... each board member will get a copy of these next month.
We approved our budget with an addition of $150 for start the arts. Each board member has a copy of the budget, and copies will be available at each meeting.
Kris Mullen introduced us to Start the Arts. This is a fun new program that will happen 3 times a year. The kids will learn a basic art lesson (on things like impressionism and pointalism and cool stuff like that!) and do a project. We will need lots of volunteers to help with this, so let us know if you are interested in helping.
Jennifer Gunter introduced us to Girls on the Run. This is an after school program that is for girls in 3-5th grades. They have a short self-esteem type lesson and then run as training for a 5K.
We will have information about both of these programs at back to school day. We will also have information about membership, box tops, fall fundraiser, and t-shirts. Our back to school day is Aug. 21 from 11-1pm. We are hoping to have sample cookies from our fundraiser to hand out in the gym... if not we will have popcorn.
We will stuff our back to school envelopes on Wednesday Aug. 12 at 1:00 pm. Feel free to stop by and help if you'd like... we have 600 to do!
Thanks to those who came, and hopefully this will be useful! - August 8, 2009 7:23 PM
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
What do you guys think about the blog?
Also, please post input through the blog function below this post. That way we can test it out.