Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September PTA/PAC Meeting

The PTA/PAC meeting will be held this Friday, September 30th at 11:00 a.m. in the media center. If you have volunteered to serve on the board and have not yet recieved your volunteer folders, they will be handed out at the meeting. We hope to see you there. Thank You!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to School Open House

We will hold our annual Back to School Open House on Wednesday, August 31st from 11:00am to 1:00pm. This provides a great opportunity for students to meet with their new teachers and check out the classroom prior to the first day of school. Please bring all your school supplies to the Open house.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Welcome Back 2011-2012

Welcome back Chubbuck Panthers! Register for school August 18, 12:00-6:00. Hope to see you all there.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Mintues for April Meeting

Chubbuck Elementary PTA Meeting Minute
April 15, 2011 1:00 pm Chubbuck Media Center
Treasurer’s Report: Passed around, see attached. Katy wanted to know if we were done with Teacher Appreciation since we are over budget there, Jessie will call Andrea Richardson.
DARE Graduation: This went well… there was cake after. Thanks to Anna McDonald and Maggie Gardner.
Spring Fundraiser update: The kickoff went well, the kids are excited about it. The kids will jump next Wednesday and Thursday. The Modern Woodmen will be there to help on Wednesday, we need volunteers to sign up for Thursday. The kids will jump a whole grade at a time, except for Mr. Muckerman’s class, who will jump with the Kindergartners because of a field trip. Keep collecting pledges and make sure checks are made out to Chubbuck Elementary PTA.
Parent Teacher conferences are April 21, from 3-6 pm. The book fair will be that same day from 2:30-7:00 pm. We need to send a reminder e-mail since some of the parents will not be attending conferences. We may also set up a sign in front of the school as a reminder. This is the buy-one-get-one-free book fair, a good time to stock up for summer reading.
Carnival is coming up, Mika Jenkins is in charge. We are aiming for more active things to do and less candy… things like jump rope, hula hoop, relay or sack races, and sidewalk chalk. We will also have cotton candy from M’Lisa Chevalier and popcorn. Let Mika know if you are interested in helping.
5th Grade Graduation is coming up… Mary Kae Ryner and Marinda Dunn are in charge. They have met with the 5th grade teachers, the graduation is May 31st at 1:15, it will be 5th graders by themselves. There will be a breakfast the next morning, and we need the help of a 4th grade mom who would be willing to take this over next year. Marinda is in charge of the gift and activities. The kids will be able to purchase invitations for 25 cents each.
We will have a thank you board luncheon at Costa Vida Friday, May 20th at 11:30 am. Lesli will send out reminder invitations.
We had some discussion about the fundraiser for next fall. Some of the options include going with Cherrydale or Victory fundraising, doing some kind of opt-out, a dinner style fundraiser, or doing restaurant fundraiser or discount cards. Most likely option is going with Cherrydale again, if we sign on soon we get all kinds of bonuses.
This is our last board meeting for this year, see everyone at the luncheon!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Chubbuck PTA Officers 2011-2013

Congratulations to our new Chubbuck PTA Officers for the next 2 school years! They are: President, Julie Bigler; Vice-President Cori Spillet; Secretary, Shelby Kunz; and Treasurer, Jennifer Gunter.
Thanks for volunteering to keep our PTA running smoothly! We look forward to next year!
PTA Meeting Minutes – March 18, 2011
1:00 pm Chubbuck Media Center
Treasurer’s report is attached
Elections: Voting was in the unanimous. Our officers for the next 2 years are: Julie Bigler, President; Cori Spillet, Vice-President; Shelby Kunz, Secretary; Jennifer Gunter, Treasurer.
Upcoming in April:
Art Week: This will be April 4-8th. Parent training will probably be March 30th at 8:30 am. This is the last one of the year!
DARE Graduation: This will be April 6th, Anna McDonald is in charge. We will probably buy 2 cakes from Costco and use left-over soda.
Spring Fundraiser: Kick-off will be March 31st, kids will receive jumpropes from the Modern Woodmen. We will send a note home with the pledge sheet on the back. Those who pledge will jump for 1 hour one day at school… we will need to schedule the gym. We will try to give the kids some choices for prizes and then buy them after the pledges are in so we don’t over or under-buy. We had some discussion about class parties.
5th Grade Graduation: May 31st at 1:15 pm, the breakfast will be the next day at Stuart Park. We will offer parents the opportunity to buy announcements for 25 cents each.
Regional Reflections Banquet will be in May and will honor school, regional, and state winners.
Mika Jenkins is taking over the carnival planning… we are thinking of running this a little more like a field day, but we are aware that PTA Insurance does not cover sporting events. We will plan carefully! But we are looking at doing basketball, sack races, hula hooping, that kind of thing… things that will get the kids to be active. Also still doing cotton candy, balloon animals, etc. We may try to get milk or water donated.
Laurie Zahm spoke to us for PAC – she gave us information about the Title One events that happened this year. That information is attached.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Meeting Minutes for February

PTA Meeting Minutes – Feb. 18, 2011 1:00 pm Chubbuck Media Center
**Treasurer’s Report passed around, see attached. We did well at the book fair… we sold almost $6100 in books, $1450 will go to the school library. It was very successful to have it during Grandparent’s night.
Katy Mottishaw moved and Kris Mullen 2nd that we should spend 20-25 dollars on sealable deposit envelopes for the bank.
We also have $100 credit to our account with our t-shirt company for next school year.
**District Levy: Our PTA has voted to support this. Early voting has already started, March 8 is the election day. We may be asked to pass out flyers again this year.
**Legislatve day: Get informed about the new education bills going through the house and Senate. You can find the bills, info. about our representatives at legislature.idaho.gov Be very specific in your feedback. It is important for us to be informed.
**Teacher appreciation luncheon: This is scheduled for March 4th at noon, Andrea Richardson is in charge. Costa Vida will cater again this year. We need to invite the instructional aides since they are not scheduled to work that day.
**Spring Fundraiser: We will kick off Thursday, March 31, give the kids a week to jump rope, and then a week to collect money. Money will be due back to us on April 15th. Parents can count the number of minutes that their kids jump, and then the kids can collect pledges or flat donations. We plan to give individual awards for the kids that jump the most and collect the most money, also the classes that collect the most, jump the most, have the most participation. Most of the prizes are being donated… we are hoping to find area businesses that would be willing to give us matching donations, maybe send a note home with parents to encourage that. We may also keep a daily tally of class jump totals to encourage some competition.
**PAC: we need new playground equipment! We may try to find some room in the budget to buy monkey bars now, buy other stuff later. We may also be able to find some businesses or organizations willing to help (Chubbuck Fire Dept. is willing to help).
**From the Region: There will be a vendor fair March 17 in Blackfoot for more information about fundraising.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Meeting Minutes for January

PTA Meeting Minutes, Jan. 21, 2011
1:00 pm Chubbuck Media Center
**Art Week: The 4th and 5th grade art projects will be displayed at Grandparent’s night, as will the reflections projects. We will use ½ the gym for an “art walk”, the other half will be used by the kindergartners. The younger grades will display their art work in their rooms.
**Book Fair: Cori and Allison are setting up today. The library will actually get more money because we are combining this with Grandparent’s Night. The hours will be 2-4 pm on Wednesday, 2-7 pm on Th
**Valentine’s Day Parties: KG party is Friday the 11th, others are on Valentines Day, Monday. They are scheduled for 1:00 pm for a half hour. PTA will provide pink cookies from Smith’s and a drink.
**Box Tops: We just got a check for around $970, and that was just for those collected through November. We will send in another batch in the next couple of months. Josi will type something for the March chatter to help parents take advantage of the website and other promotions
**SD 25 Levy: To see the information handed out at the meeting, see attached or go to www.d25.k12.id.us and click on the orange button on the left hand side that says “Supplemental Levy Election”. Kris Mullen moved and Allison Boyer seconded that we agree to officially support the levy as a PTA. Motion unanimously passed.
**Legislative Day: Feb. 10th in Boise. This is our chance to meet with our local legislators and voice our opinions. See Lesli or Brandi Barnes for more info.
**Treasurer’s Report: See attached…this was passed around. Our taxes have been paid. Candy Gram expenses were posted to “service Projects”… we were able to raise about $1500 and help 10 families with the candy gram money!
**Spring Fundraiser: Cindy and Emy are working on picking a date, possibly in April, so the jump-a-thon can be outside. We talked about maybe having local celebrities find sponsors and jump with us.
**Other Fundraisers: Do we want to help with the Curtis Family Fundraiser? Tenley Curtis is a first grader with a life-threatening brain tumor. A fundraiser is scheduled for sometime in February at Gold’s Gym. Maybe we can send information home with the kids about this to help publicize it… Jessie will find more information.
Jann answered a question about the class size numbers put out by the State Superintendant’s office this week… those numbers include staff like counselors, PE and music teachers, so the numbers seem low, but we can go up to 30 in the upper grades and 25 in the lower grades, we are almost there with our classes now. Classroom size is also a concern for us, we don’t have room for many more desks in many classrooms.
**PAC: Patti Mortensen from the district and Jackie Cranor from the School Board came to talk to us about the levy. Jann also mentioned that our monkey bars did not pass inspection and we will need to purchase new ones as soon as possible.