Friday, April 22, 2011

Mintues for April Meeting

Chubbuck Elementary PTA Meeting Minute
April 15, 2011 1:00 pm Chubbuck Media Center
Treasurer’s Report: Passed around, see attached. Katy wanted to know if we were done with Teacher Appreciation since we are over budget there, Jessie will call Andrea Richardson.
DARE Graduation: This went well… there was cake after. Thanks to Anna McDonald and Maggie Gardner.
Spring Fundraiser update: The kickoff went well, the kids are excited about it. The kids will jump next Wednesday and Thursday. The Modern Woodmen will be there to help on Wednesday, we need volunteers to sign up for Thursday. The kids will jump a whole grade at a time, except for Mr. Muckerman’s class, who will jump with the Kindergartners because of a field trip. Keep collecting pledges and make sure checks are made out to Chubbuck Elementary PTA.
Parent Teacher conferences are April 21, from 3-6 pm. The book fair will be that same day from 2:30-7:00 pm. We need to send a reminder e-mail since some of the parents will not be attending conferences. We may also set up a sign in front of the school as a reminder. This is the buy-one-get-one-free book fair, a good time to stock up for summer reading.
Carnival is coming up, Mika Jenkins is in charge. We are aiming for more active things to do and less candy… things like jump rope, hula hoop, relay or sack races, and sidewalk chalk. We will also have cotton candy from M’Lisa Chevalier and popcorn. Let Mika know if you are interested in helping.
5th Grade Graduation is coming up… Mary Kae Ryner and Marinda Dunn are in charge. They have met with the 5th grade teachers, the graduation is May 31st at 1:15, it will be 5th graders by themselves. There will be a breakfast the next morning, and we need the help of a 4th grade mom who would be willing to take this over next year. Marinda is in charge of the gift and activities. The kids will be able to purchase invitations for 25 cents each.
We will have a thank you board luncheon at Costa Vida Friday, May 20th at 11:30 am. Lesli will send out reminder invitations.
We had some discussion about the fundraiser for next fall. Some of the options include going with Cherrydale or Victory fundraising, doing some kind of opt-out, a dinner style fundraiser, or doing restaurant fundraiser or discount cards. Most likely option is going with Cherrydale again, if we sign on soon we get all kinds of bonuses.
This is our last board meeting for this year, see everyone at the luncheon!

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